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Visitor and Volunteer Information

Welcome to the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District! Our District is now using Raptor Technology to approve visitors and volunteers on our campuses. Please use the following information and matrix to help determine what will be asked of you when checking in at our school sites. School sites have the right to limit visitors, guests, and volunteers in the interest of safety, impact on learning, and equity. Everyone on our campuses who is not a student or staff member must be approved by a District Administrator or designee to be on site.

LVJUSD encourages all those interested in volunteering to read the information below before creating an account in the LVJUSD Raptor Portal. If you have any questions about the requirements to become a volunteer, please contact your school site.   

Who is a visitor?

A visitor is defined as an individual who attends a special event or a singular activity. Subject to the site administration’s approval, visitors must check in at the office and scan their government-issued ID in our Raptor Technology identification scanner. This will allow for all visitors to be screened through the National Sex Offenders Database (also known as Megan’s Law Clearance) each time they visit a campus. A clear tuberculosis screen is not required for visitors.

Examples of visitors include:

  • a parent attending a recognition event, assembly, parent conference or performance during the school day;
  • a parent or community member helping with a class project or elementary field day, orientation, or walkthrough;
  • a guest speaker;
  • a contracted vendor performing authorized work.



Who is a volunteer?

A volunteer is defined as a non-paid individual who, with District authorization, assists students, schools, or educational programs. We have two types of volunteers in our District: General Clearance Volunteers and Extended Clearance Volunteers. All volunteers are required to complete a volunteer application, code of conduct form, and have a clear tuberculosis screen on file. Additional information and documents are required if an extended volunteer clearance is desired. 

  • All volunteer clearances expire annually on June 30 and must be renewed each school year.

General Clearance Volunteers

These include classroom volunteers and other on-campus school volunteers who are directly supervised at all times by LVJUSD staff. 

General Clearance requires:

  • Completion of the LVJUSD Volunteer Application and acknowledgement of our Code of Conduct in the Raptor online portal.
  • Scanning of a government-issued ID via the Raptor system when checking in through the main office at a school site.
  • Clear tuberculosis screen record on file. TB screenings are valid for four years but must be resubmitted annually via the Raptor portal. When uploading your TB results, please be sure your name, date of the screening, and the results are all included.

Extended Clearance Volunteers

These include volunteers who may interact with students without direct supervision by LVJUSD staff. The extended clearance applies to program-related volunteers such as assistant club leaders, field trip or overnight chaperones, drivers, and other volunteers who will be interacting with students without the presence of a staff member. These volunteers must have school site approval to obtain this level of clearance prior to completion of being cleared to volunteer.

Extended Clearance Requirements:

  • All General Clearance requirements plus
    • When chaperoning overnight field trips or working independently one-on-one with students:
      • *LiveScan Fingerprinting (DOJ & FBI)- Form
    • When transporting students in a personal vehicle:
      • Copy of your driver's license uploaded to Raptor online portal.
      • *LiveScan Fingerprinting (DOJ & FBI) - Form
      • Proof of insurance declaration page (not an insurance card) uploaded to Raptor online portal. This page will include proof of the minimum coverage requirements ($100,000/300,000; Property Damage $50,000; Medical $5,000)

*LiveScan Fingerprinting only needs to be completed once; it remains active throughout your duration as a volunteer in our District.

Volunteer Handbook

Use the links below to complete and submit your Volunteer Application.

Volunteer application
Volunteer application Spanish

Once your volunteer application has been approved, access your volunteer profile here:
Volunteer portal